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Flammentanz 0,75l 9%vol

Mead (Honeywine) mixed drink is dedicated to the band Feuerdorn. Our fruity and slightly dry Wildberry-Mix with a beautiful bright red fire effect.

17,49 € *
23,32 € per 1 l

"MET" official merchandise for EQUILIBRIUM 0,75l 12%vol

20 years ago EQILIBRIUM brought out that sensual and profound ballad that still plays automatically in many ears today when it comes to the (always moderate) consumption of mead. We at Metwabe are proud to be able to present this special edition in cooperation with EQUILIBRIUM on this occasion!

Special edition "MET" of our classic mead as official merchandise for the metal band "EQUILIBRIUM".


12,41 € *
16,55 € per 1 l

DIE STREUNER "Krugschwenker" Cherry-Mix 0,75l 6%vol

Solidarimet for the band "Die Streuner"

A donation from every bottle goes directly to the band!

"Die Streuner" are grateful for your help!

Mead mixed drink with cherry Juice


12,49 € *
16,65 € per 1 l

DIE STREUNER "Jubiläumsedition 25 Jahre" with Hops and Malt 0,75l 11%vol

Solidarimet for the band "Die Streuner"

A donation from every bottle goes directly to the band!

"Die Streuner" are grateful for your help!

Mead mixed drink, spiced with hops and malt


15,99 € *
21,32 € per 1 l

CORVUS CORAX "Rabengold" 0,75l 12%vol

Special Edition of our classic Mead for "CORVUS CORAX"



12,41 € *
16,55 € per 1 l

Fired clay jar with Corvus Corax Prägung 0,2L

A beautiful 200ml- fired clay jar. Suitable for cool and hot drinks.
9,52 € *